
Showing posts from May, 2020

Photography Unit: Forced Perspective

Photography Unit: Forced Perspective In this photography unit I set out to photograph different things in a forced perspective. The first photo shows a martial arts figuring kicking my monitor our of the way, although it is actually not. I really liked this image because I felt that it appeared very clean with different shades of back. The second photo is a sharpie cap that has been placed onto a bottle. I also really liked this photo because of how well the colors between the bottle and the cap blended, making the cap look like it could possibly be the real cap.

Photography Unit: Book Challenge

Photography Unit: Book Challenge In this unit I set out to photograph different objects on a book, while trying to represent the time during quarantine. The first imagine which is a metal fidget spinning over the book Persepolis represents the time wasted within quarantine. I tried to use the fidget spinner as a clock in order to further enhance this, and made the exposure longer in order for the full effect of the spin. The second image are a bunch of marbles along the inside of a book. I made the marbles in a repeating pattern to represent how quarantine feel the same every week.